Karen Cares Foundation for the Homeless Inc is an organization that started out with a vision and passion to use the hands and feet God has given me by going out into the community to serve the homeless people. During my undergrad years in college, I was given an assignment to interview people who were homeless and to write a paper on the outcome of their stories. I chose to write what I would do to help the homeless. I interviewed some of the people and learned of the different reasons of why they are homeless or chose to be homeless.
After hearing their stories, I remember walking away with a heavy heart knowing these people do not have anywhere to live, no food, minimum daily necessities and considered to be an outcast to many. This assignment definitely had an impact on my heart. I always felt I needed to do something to help even if it was one or two people that were homeless.
In 2006 I had a vision to start a homeless foundation but did not execute that vision until 2018. When I first encountered the vision, I hesitated to execute because I was afraid to step out on faith to do what I knew what I was called to do. As years passed, I always found myself being drawn to those who are in need, who are homeless and less fortunate. I knew this was an assignment I had to fulfill and in 2018 I accepted it.
As the founder, I started out with two faithful volunteers; one who is now an official board member. We started out by purchasing, packaging and going out into the streets of Atlanta to give to those who were in need. We were able to bless 50-60 people with hats, scarves, gloves and socks on our first assignment. Each month thereafter, we have received many more donations that have helped us to give more in the community. It is my passion and mandate to be of service to reach out and help as many homeless people as possible.
“I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Acts: 20:35